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Some Dog Thoughts

Meet Oscar (Part 2)


I know you have all been on pins and needles wondering how I have been doing.

My human left a few weeks ago and I can tell you it was very difficult for him. He was doing his best to be strong and not show his feelings, But, at the end I knew he was feeling very sad. I tried to be strong for him as well. I knew if he thought I was going to be fine he could focus on his program.

I found out later that he would be gone for 3 1/2 months. My wonderful foster parents decided to take me on a walk around the neighborhood to cheer me up. I saw we were close to a park that had tons of kids, trees, squirrels and many wonderful new smells.

The first night was a bit "ruff" (sorry for the pun) as I kept hearing sounds I never heard before and it made me very restless. I didn't get much sleep. In the morning I ate breakfast, went outside and did my business. Then my foster mom said it was time for a walk. This time we got into the car to drive to a different place. We went to the river. How amazing!! Talk about new smells and lots of things to see and experience.

This is the most amazing place. My human has taken me to the river before, but not to this area. So many distractions, I counted at least 15 squirrels up in the trees taunting me as we walked by. But I didn't care, I was having a blast checking out everything. I was beginning to get a bit tired though, I wasn't used to all this fresh air and exercise.

I know my human would be comforted knowing how well I am being treated. I hope he's doing well and doesn't forget what I look like. I love it here, but miss my human. I was given a bunch of toys from the Rescue, and I have been spending some quality time interacting with them.

It's exhausting work. I heard my Foster Parents talking about me having to go to the vet for my yearly vaccination updates. I don't know what that means, but I am not getting a warm fuzzy feeling about this conversation.

The next day the lady from the Rescue came to pick me up. I was excited because this lady always stops by Starbucks, and I get a puppuccino. Vet check a complete success, puppuccino also a success. This is me after the outing.

It's starting to get a bit chilly in the mornings, so my foster family decided I needed to get a coat. I have NEVER had a coat in my life, but I don't want to hurt their feelings, so I will wear it proudly. What do you think? Does it make my butt look big???

My human has been gone for over 2 months now. I wonder if he thinks time is going fast or slow. I miss him, but I am having a great time.

I hope there are other people out there that would be willing to step up to help foster a dog even temporarily to help out a veteran. I wonder if I can become a poster pup for the cause.

I got a huge surprise today when the delivery man came to the house. My human sent me a new bed. He hasn't forgotten about me at all!!!! It's PAWTASTIC!!!!

Stay tuned for updates at my foster home.


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